Fish Passage Culvert Investigations

Marlim has worked on 3 FPCI contracts since 2012. Work conducted by Marlim for these projects involves reviewing the project area maps and site spreadsheets to plan and complete the work in an organized manner, conducting crossing assessments according to provincial standards, reviewing and submitting all data collected, and completing a final recommendation report for each study area.  Detailed methodology in the field includes numerous channel and culvert measurements, recording GPS data for sites and mileage, detailed site photographs, and QA/QC of work to ensure consistency between crews.  Data submission and reporting involves entering all data into PSCIS forms, preparing site maps and overview maps for each study area using ArcGIS, and providing a detailed recommendation report for selected priority crossing sites.

Project Team: One Biologist and one Technician form each field crew, while all work is overseen and assessed for QA/QC by a Senior Biologist. All project deliverables are signed off by a Senior Biologist.

Project Deliverables: PSCIS data sheets, site photographs, GIS maps of all sites, detailed recommendation reports.