Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (RAPR) Assessments


Marlim has completed many different RAPR assessments for several private clients, including landowners and development companies planning to sell, buy, or develop individual lots or groups of lots throughout the lower mainland.  The works include a detailed onsite assessment of the watercourse(s) impacting the proposed works in accordance with the Riparian Areas Protection Regulation, determining …

Forest Service Road and Bridge Construction Environmental & Construction Monitoring


These projects involved both construction and environmental monitoring services as needed for FSR construction works and several bridge installations and replacements in northern BC.  Marlim completed all notifications and permit applications for instream works outside of the instream works windows, and fish salvage.  Marlim prepared environmental management plans for large bridge replacement projects requiring instream …

Fish Passage Culvert Investigations


Marlim has worked on 3 FPCI contracts since 2012. Work conducted by Marlim for these projects involves reviewing the project area maps and site spreadsheets to plan and complete the work in an organized manner, conducting crossing assessments according to provincial standards, reviewing and submitting all data collected, and completing a final recommendation report for …

Contaminated Site Investigations

1999 - Present

MarLim conducted Phase I and II Contaminated Site Investigations by request of the property owners to address potential environmental contamination and liabilities. Sites included 2 locations where used oil tanks were stored and where diesel fuel was being stored in an unprotected above ground steel tank. The main purpose of the Phase II Site Remediation was to …

Sensitive Habitat Inventory Mapping (SHIM)

2004 - 2010

Marlim Ecological Consulting has completed numerous Sensitive Habitat Inventory Mapping (SHIM) projects from 2004 to 2010. The projects involved the use of a TrimbleGPS unit to map all of the watercourses. Additional information collected during the course of the projects included channel morphology and geometry, bankfull measurements, wetted width and depth, basic water quality, fish …

Watermain Twinning Project

2005 - 2008

MarLim was responsible for the preparation of erosion and sediment control plans, planting compensation plans, and the instream works notification package submission. A raptor and nesting survey along the right-of-way (ROW) to a distance of approximately 15m into the forest along both sides of the ROW was conducted. All trees, both deciduous and coniferous were …

Fisheries Impact and Enhancement Assessment


MarLim conducted historic fisheries data research, summarized the fisheries resource values, and identified areas for potential enhancement within the Fishtrap Creek watershed. Fish sampling was conducted using Gee Minnow traps. Options for short- and long-term enhancement opportunities within and adjacent to the Fishtrap Creek Trail system were outlined. Project Team: A senior biologist conducted the initial site assessment …

Riparian Areas Regulation (RAR), ISW Notification and ESC Plans

2006 - 2007

MarLim was responsible for the Instream Works Notification package submission to DFO, the assessment of the watercourse in accordance to the Riparian Areas Regulations, and writing and submitting of the RAR report. MarLim also developed erosion and sediment control plans in accordance to local bylaws for a residential development. Project Team: A senior biologist conducted …